Welcome to Pilgrim Travelers' Missionary Baptist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana. Our prayer for you is that the God of all grace anoint you with fresh oil and His precious Spirit illuminate the Word as you read. May He empower you to effectively communicate to others the vibrant hope that He has given you to persevere the struggles that you have over come and continue to overcome.
Pilgrim Travelers commissions all our members to focuses on the world educationally, politically, economically, spiritually and culturally. Because we are believers as well as doers of the Word, after completion of new membership orientation class, each member is required to become an active member of one of many ministries to help empower others outside the walls of the Church.
For a list of all our ministries, click on the ministries link above.
Furthermore, our church family, First Lady and I pray that your name be a reflection of the joy and peace that God has promised to all of His children who follow Him. If you do not have a home church in the Louisiana area we pray that you would consider joining us in our continued fellowship with Christ. Thanks again for visiting.